Digital Lifelines Scotland launched in April 2021 funded by Scottish Government and run as a partnership programme – instigated, designed and delivered with our partner organisations.

Digital Lifelines Scotland is managed by the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre in conjunction with core partners. The programme is joint funded by Digital Health and Care and Drug and Alcohol Policy Divisions in Scottish Government and the Drug Deaths Taskforce. The programme partners bring expertise and networks that support creative solutions, understanding of effective practice and opportunities to accelerate development and roll out of new approaches.

Delivery Partners

Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations


SCVO is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. They are a delivery partner for Connecting Scotland programme and administer the Digital Lifelines grant programme.


Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)


The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) is a collaboration between the University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art. It is part of the Scottish Funding Council’s Innovation Centre Programme and part-funded by Scottish Government. DHI supports digital innovation between academia, the public and third sectors, and businesses in the area of health and care.

Simon Community Scotland


Simon Community Scotland work alongside people experiencing homelessness who are among the most digitally excluded groups as well as facing some of the greatest challenges in their lives as a result of unresolved trauma, pain, and disconnection.


Strategic Partners

Connecting Scotland
News | COSLA
Drug Research Network Scotland Logo
Drugs Research Network for Scotland
Scottish Government logo (image)
Scottish Government

Scotland is drug death capital of the world, here's how we can shed ...
Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce


Last Updated: 25 March 2024