06 September, 2023

2023 Annual Conference, Perth

On 5th September 2023, the programme team were delighted to invite representatives from organisations across Scotland for the annual Digital Lifelines Scotland conference in Perth, hosted by the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI).

The event included guest speakers Elena Whitham, Scotland’s Minister for Drugs and Alcohol policy, Dr Margaret Whoriskey from the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Directorate, Professor Catriona Matheson on the evaluation of the programme and international speakers Dr Ivan Montoya and Gordon Casey.

Attendees took part in workshops to discuss strands of Digital Lifelines Scotland's work: Digital Inclusion, Digital Products and Services, and future impacts and benefits that the programme could bring. 

To find out more about the exciting day, you can read the blog by Marissa Cummings, an innovation designer and research fellow with DHI, who led the design workshop at the conference: Setting a future direction for Digital Lifelines Scotland | Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (dhi-scotland.com)


Stay tuned for upcoming details for the 2024 Annual Conference!​